Quick Transfer

Quick Transfer simplifies the process of sending cryptocurrencies across blockchain networks. With natural language commands and smart optimizations, transferring assets becomes as simple as sending a message.

How It Works

When you initiate a transfer, Lunark AI automatically:

  • Validates the recipient address
  • Checks network status
  • Optimizes gas fees
  • Ensures transaction security
  • Presents a clear summary

Simple Transfer:

User: "Send 1 ETH to John"
Lunark: "I've prepared a transaction to send 1 ETH to John:
- Current gas fee: $2.50
- Estimated time: < 1 minute
[Execute Transfer]"

Using Default Settings:

User: "Send the usual amount to Alice"
Lunark: "I see you typically send 100 USDT to Alice. I've prepared the transaction with your preferred settings. [Execute Transfer]"

Smart Features

The Quick Transfer system learns from your transaction patterns to provide a more personalized experience. It remembers your preferred settings, frequently used amounts, and common recipients to streamline future transactions.

Network Detection

Lunark AI automatically detects your current network and the optimal network for your transaction. If a network switch is needed, you’ll be presented with a simple option to change networks before proceeding with your transfer.

Network Detection Example:

User: "Send 100 USDT to Bob"
Lunark: "I notice you're on Ethereum network where gas fees are high ($15). The same transaction on Polygon would cost about $0.50. Would you like to:
[Continue on Ethereum] [Switch to Polygon]"

Multi-Network Contact:

User: "Send 500 USDT to Company Wallet"
Lunark: "I see this address exists on multiple networks. Which would you prefer:
- Ethereum (Gas: $12)
- Polygon (Gas: $0.30)
- BSC (Gas: $0.20)"

Transaction Review

Before executing any transfer, you’ll see a clear summary of your transaction including:

  • Amount and token
  • Recipient details
  • Network information
  • Gas fees
  • Expected completion time

Advanced Transfer Options:

User: "Transfer 1000 USDT to John with low gas"
Lunark: "I'll monitor gas prices and execute when they're below 20 gwei. Current gas is 35 gwei. I'll notify you once the transfer is completed."

Cross-Chain Transfer:

User: "Send 100 USDT from Ethereum to Polygon"
Lunark: "I'll help you bridge 100 USDT to Polygon:
- Bridge fee: $2.00
- Estimated time: 15 minutes
[Start Bridge Transfer]"